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Keynote Speaker

来源:美中工商联合会 发布时间:2010-05-20 14:48:06 查看次数:11087

Protection of Intellectual Properties in China


Huang, He


    Mr. Huang's long-time engagement in foreign-related legal work and financial management enables him to have an intensive study in the field of commercial dispute conciliation, foreign-related arbitration, force merger and intellectual property affairs as well as profound knowledge in law, economic and trade policies, international trade custom, financial management and much experience in international trade practice.  Mr. Huang obtained his bachelor's degree in economics from one of China's top universities, Renmin University and did post-graduate studies in Civil and Commercial Law. He is also an arbitrator and member of China's Law Society.  In July 1983 Mr. Huang joined the Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT and assumed successively the positions as Deputy Director and later Director of the Trademark Affairs Office, General Affairs Office and Secretary Office for Trade Arbitration. In 1994 he was promoted to be the Deputy Director General of the Legal Affairs Department in charge of accepting and consulting on arbitration cases, certification and authentication, ATA, general affairs, financial management and the legal work of the national CCPIT systems.   From August 1997 to April 2000 he became Deputy General Manager of China Global Import and Export Corporation. Since May 2000 he became the Deputy Director General and later Director General of the Legal Affairs Department of CCPIT. Mr. Huang's other posts include Vice Chairman of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the CCPIT/CCOIC Dispute Conciliation Center, Secretary General of Sino-American Commercial Dispute Conciliation Center and Secretary General of Sino-Canadian Commercial Dispute Conciliation Center. 

 Mr. Huang has had his theses publicized on related academic publications, such as Opinions on Improving the Economic and Social Benefits of International Trade Arbitration, Some Thoughts on the Development of World Rules of Origin, Theory of Force Merger Certification. He has also led the compilation of Theory and Practice of Commercial Dispute Conciliation in China.



Issues of the Chinese Ministry of Finance



Zhang Jinling

In the United States, global control of national economy is the portfolio of the Treasury Department (TD). The equivalent of TD in China is the Ministry of Finance (MF). This talk will give an outline of the roles and responsibilities of MF for foreign investors .


Issues of Security and Exchange in China



Zhang Sining

In the United States, Initial Public Offering (IPO) will require the approval of SEC (Security and Exchange Commission). The equivalent organization in China is Securities Regulatory Commission (SRC). This talk will discuss the issues of SRC.


Opportunities of Investment in Jiaxin   


Jiang, Renhuan

With Shanghai to its east, Hangzhou to its west, Suzhou to its north and Hangzhou Bay to its south, Jiaxing sits in the center of the golden triangle formed by the connecting lines between Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou. In 2003, the municipal GDP increased by 16.9% to 85.563 billion yuan. The total import and export value was 5.712 billion USD. This Talk will introduce the opportunities of investment in Jiaxing.

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